My practice research project Sudronen in a Fogou focuses on the question ‘does an acoustic and/or acoustemological enquiry into Carn Euny fogou support the theory that fogous were ritual spaces?’.

Fogous are Cornish Iron Age caves that are largely unexplored by professional and amateur archaeologists, acousticians, and historians. There is no definite explanation for their historical function, only speculation they could have been used for storage, refuge, or ritual. Through examining the history, acoustics, acoustemology, and acoustic ecology of both fogous and similar structures worldwide, I consider the theory that these subterranean spaces could have been used for sound-based ritual purpose.

I applied this research to a performance in Carn Euny fogou, to demonstrate that repetitive music of the Minimalist movement performed in these mystical underground structures can elicit a state of altered consciousness, the optimal condition for rituals.

Links to pieces:

Sudronen in a Fogou 360-video on Youtube

cam-corder video

I will be developing this project further to explore fogous in more depth. Keep up to date via the links below.
Website -
Soundcloud -
Instagram -